Art by
Mike Fraisier 

PAINTER                      SCULPTOR                   MUSICIAN

My name is Mike Fraisier
Michael Fraisier grew up in Spanish Harlem (El Barrio) and influenced by the Latino and African-American Southern Culture.  Michael was always drawing from a very young age.  His exposure to wood sculpturing by an uncle had a profound influence on him to work in that media.    
 NYC Public School system recognized his artistic ability.  Art became his major subject in his junior and high school educational experience.

His present works are derived form the media of self-expression, abstract, still life and the African religion Santeria – The Seven African Deities.
   He is an avid musician and listener of music from the Congo, Ghana, West Indies and Cuba.  His belief is that music is the magical force that relates on one to spirituality.  The different drumbeats create magical forces, which relate to dance.  Playing the drums gives him inspiration in his artistic creations.

He is able to form a marriage between his artistic ability and his spirituality.  Wood sculpting and painting are the tangible by-products of the marriage